IUI: Intra Uterine Insemination

I – (Intra) – inside of
U – (uterine) – uterus
I – (Insemination) -To keep sperm of a husband

IUI Why?

  • Putting good sperm in a woman’s womb at the time of rupture of the follicle increases the chances of fertilization and conception.

Useful for which couple?

  • Semen ejaculation failure
  • Cervical stenosis.
  • Unexplained Infertility
  • The sperm count is less than required
  • If Sperm count less than 15 million.
  • If numbers of active motile sperm is less than 30%.
  • When using frozen semen sample. (Frozen Semen)
  • Women who have antibodies for sperm that reduce fertility.

IUI When does it succeed?

  • Follicle should be ruptured
  • Both Fallopian tubes should be opened.
  • Male sperm count should be at least 10 to 20 ml/ml.


IVF: In Vitro Fertilization

IVF means
I – (in)
V – (vitro) – the outside of the body
F – Fertilization

IVF means Transferring of developing embryo in uteurs prepared & developed (3- 4 days) in special laboratory by fertilization of oocyte and sperm outside of the body.

IVF (Test Tube Baby) For whom?

  • The number of sperm or ovum is less.
  • Dysfunctional or Blocked Fallopian tubes.
  • 3-4 times IUI has failed.
  • Pregnancy after menopause.
  • No reason is found and results are not obtained after all other methods are adopted.
  • Polycystic ovary (PCOS) in which eggshells have trouble falling apart.
  • Cervical problem.


  • The process of IVF (test tube baby) is not complicated.
  • No need to stay overnight.
  • No cuts or stitches throughout IVF Procedure.
  • Increases chances of positive results.

1. Blood reports and sonography

Blood reports-Hormone reports-3D sonography of the uterus and ovary.

2. Stimulation process

To develop more and good quality of female eggs, hormone injections are given (Starts from 2nd to 3rd days of menses).

3. Monitoring by sonography

Sonography will be done 3 – 5 times to access the developement of eggs and if needed blood reports are done.

4. Injection of eggs maturation

When the female eggs and hormones are appropriate, injection is given to mature the eggs (around 12th to 15th day of menses).

5. Ovum Pickup

With the help of sonography under anesthesia female eggs are extracted using thin needle and husband semen sample also taken same time. (after 35 to 40 hours of injection of seed maturation ovum pickup done) Half day admission to hospital.

6. Embryonic process

Fertilization process of eggs and sperm are performed by a special microscope,by skilled embryologist.

7. Development of Embryo

The fertilized embryo are kept in a special incubator to provide an environment similar to the womb of the mother for further development.

8. Embryo Transfer

The developing embryo is implanted into the uterus by a thin plastic catheter under sonography guidance and if there are more embryo left they can be freeze for future used.

9. Pregnancy Test

Seventeen days after the embryo transfer the pregnancy test is performed using a blood B-HCG report.



“Shivalay”, Jay park, Near Rajnagar Chowk, Nana mava road, Rajkot.

Let’S Talk

0281 – 2450911
+91 94260 51999, +91 97378 49650


ICSI is the most successful form of treatment for men who are infertile and are used in nearly half of all IVF treatments (HFEA 2010).

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI treatment) involves the injection of single sperm into an egg in order to cause fertilization. The steps involved are the same as for IVF except that in the laboratory, a single sperm is picked up with a fine needle and injected into the egg.

This is done for all the good quality eggs. ICSI is mainly useful for infertility due to poor quality sperm. In this situation, the couple is unable to have a baby because the sperm cannot enter and fertilize an egg, and ICSI is often the only hope. Pregnancy rates are similar to IVF.


What is Infertility?

  • Infertility means you try to conceive for one year and do not get result.
  • If newly married couple tries for conception 80% of female would get pregnancy with in one year.
  • For Infertility 40% male, 40% female and 20% both responsible.
  • Now a days, recent technology is very useful for infertility.
  • With the help of science dificult problems related infertility become very easy.
  • Focus to solve infertility means to findout and cure the reason behind infertility.
  • It is necessary to findout the reason of infertility of both male and female.
  • Blood reports, sonography and fallopian tube examination to investigate the cause of infertility in female.
  • Blood reports and seman reports to investigate the cause of infertility in male.

The leading cause of infertility in female

  • No follicle development or Irregular or poor follicle development.
  • Fallopian tube not able to transport the follicle and due to blockage or damang of tube.
  • Inner layer of uterus not able to accept embryo.
  • Cervix not able to pass the seman to uterus.
  • Other Problems – Endometriosis, Polycystic ovary, adhesions, Infectious disease.

The leading cause of Infertility in males

  • Difficulties in sperm production.
  • Less of sperm count or its motility.
  • More amount of abnormal sperms.
  • Very less amount of seman.
  • Infectious in seman.
  • Difficulties during natural inter course.
  • Physically or Mentaly problems of seman ejaculation.


Ultrasound is a type of oscillating sound pressure wave that has a higher frequency than human hearing is able to detect. Ultrasound is not a unique type of sound, therefore, but is classified differently due to the fact that humans cannot hear it.

Ultrasonography uses high-frequency sound (ultrasound) waves to produce images of internal organs and other tissues. A device called a transducer converts electrical current into sound waves, which are sent into the body’s tissues.

Sound waves bounce off structures in the body and are reflected back to the transducer, which converts the waves into electrical signals. A computer converts the pattern of electrical signals into an image, which is displayed on a monitor and recorded as a digital computer image. No x-rays are used, so there is no radiation exposure during ultrasonography.

Ultrasound images are acquired rapidly enough to show the motion of organs and structures in the body in real-time (as in a movie). For example, the motion of the beating heart can be seen, even in a fetus.

3D & 4D Sonography

3D scans show still pictures of your baby in three dimensions. 4D scans show moving 3D images of your baby, with time being the fourth dimension. It’s natural to be really excited by the prospect of your first scan. But some mums find the standard 2D scans disappointing when all they see is a grey, blurry outline.


CCE Volusan 58 -> USA
CCE Valusan 56 -> USA


Testicular sperm aspiration procedure (TESA) is a procedure performed for men with obstructive azoospermia (zero sperm count due to an obstruction) who are having sperm retrieved for in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection.


Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) and Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) are procedures used in the management of obstructive and nonobstructive azoospermia (no sperm in the ejaculate). A fine needle is passed into the tubes leading out of the testicles, or the testicles themselves, to retrieve sperm.

3D & 4D Sonography

3D scans show still pictures of your baby in three dimensions. 4D scans show moving 3D images of your baby, with time being the fourth dimension. It’s natural to be really excited by the prospect of your first scan. But some mums find the standard 2D scans disappointing when all they see is a grey, blurry outline.


What is Laparoscopy?

  • Laparoscopy is a advanced operative procedure.
  • A Laparoscopy is a type of key hole surgery used to inspect & operate on the organs inside the abdomin and pelvic area.
  • During Laparoscopy a small cut (5mm) is made on the abdomen near umbilical a thin tube containing a light and camera is inserted to look inside the abdomen and pelvic.
  • Co2 Gas is used to inflate the belly so the surgeon can see organs properly.
  • One or more other small cuts (5mm) may be made for other Instruments if needed.


  • Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgery.
  • You will be able to go home the same day of your surgery.
  • You can get back to your normal activities sooner.
  • Small cuts & small scar ; feel least pain.

Adhesiolysis – If uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries are adherent to internal abdominal organs with the help of Laparoscopy adhesion can be removed by using Sharp / Blunt dissection as per need.

Ovarian Cyst Removal – If there is a Cyst in ovary cyst wall can be removed with help of laparoscopy.

Myomectomy – Myomectomy means removal of fibroids in uterus with the help of Laparoscopy. Big fibroid tumor can be removed from abdomen in to small
pieces with help of specilized Instruments called morcellator. Bed of fibroid tumor can be sutured with special suture material to avoid Bleeding.

Hydrosalpinx – Infected and damaged fallopian tube can be treated or removed if needed.

Ectopic Pregnancy – Ectopic tubal Pregnancy (Instead of uterus rarely pregnancy sticks to fallopian tube) can be removed with laparoscopy.

PCO Drilling – Some time female ovaries having more number of eggs (PCOS) can be treated by passing thermal current with special needle and making
ovaries normal size called pco drilling. Which helps to produce timely good quality of eggs leading to early pregnancy.

Operation for Endometriosis & chocolate cyst – Sometimes uterine internal lining (Endometrium) which usually goes out during menses. Instead of it goes through fallopian tubes into abdominal cavity. leading to old Blood collection and adhesions. This can be treated by removing the adhesions and chocolate cyst wall using bipolar coutery.

Why to do laparoscopy with us?

  • HD Camera System (1st in Saurashtra).
  • We use smallest available laparoscope and its instruments which helps doing surgery with smallest incision (5mm) and looks cosmetically good.
  • Expert and skilled doctors and staff.
  • Fast Recovery (Discharge on same day in most of the precedure).
  • One of the pioneer laparoscopic surgeon in Saurashtra.
  • Each and every type of fertility related surgery done at our hospital.


What is Hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy is the visualizing uterine cavity from inside using a thin (2.9mm) telescope and it is used to diagnose or treat the problem of the uterus through the vagina and cervix.

Why is a Hysteroscopy done?

  • Cervical dilatation in case of tight cervix.
  • To find the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding.
  • For removal of uterine fibroids and polyps.
  • Uterine septal Resection.
  • For Diagnostic purpose before IVF cycle to increase receptivity of embryo(pregnancy).

Hysteroscopy (Visuaizing Uterine Cavity from inside)+ SSG (Tubal Testing) – Our Speciality (For Tubal Cannulation)
If there is tubal blockage in ssg with the help of hysteroscopy. Tubal Cannulation can be done with help of Cannula.


  • By doing Hysteroscopy + SSG for tubal cannulation taparoscopy can be avoid.
  • Easy and accurate procedure.
  • With the help of hysteroscopy we can remove polyps, septum, fibroid from uterine Cavity.
  • Both (Hysteroscopy + SSG) procedures can be performe in a given anaesthesia for SSG Examination.
  • No scar.
  • Early discharge and recovery.
  • Less cost.